Inspection of the ortho nail brace is a key element in the successful treatment of ingrown nails. During follow-up visits, our specialist checks whether the brace is working properly, whether it needs correction, and assesses the condition of the nail and the skin around it. Regular visits avoid complications such as irritation, nail damage or infection, and promote the process of straightening the nail, which contributes to a lasting improvement in the comfort and aesthetics of the foot.
The orthonyxia brace is a modern and effective method of correcting ingrown nails, which involves placing a special device on the nail that straightens it and prevents further ingrowth. In order to achieve full therapeutic effects and prevent recurrence of the problem, regular checks of the orthonyxia brace are necessary to assess the progress of treatment and to adjust the brace if necessary.
Phone number: +48 690 276 636
The salon is open
Mo. - Fr.: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Call: +48 690 276 636 or make an appointment online: